Get in touch
Access your local careers centre or SDS services in your community for career information, advice and guidance. You can also access career support and information at
Our careers advisers are available to speak to in venues across Scotland. Search below for details of your nearest SDS Careers Centre or community venue, or get in touch to find out what local options are available.
You can also speak to an SDS careers adviser by phoning our national helpline on 0800 917 8000.
If you are from a business and have a question about help with training, development and support for your business please visit the employer hub or phone our employer helpline on 0800 783 6000
If you need assistance with our training provider services or have a question about becoming a training provider, please visit or phone our learning provider helpline on 0141 285 6100
Are you a journalist with a media question about Skills Development Scotland? Do you need expert comment on skills and learning?
Contact our external communications team.
General media enquiries
Send us a message
If you have any other queries, please send us a message using the form below.