News & events
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Apprentice Insights webinar to shine a light on Scotland's apprentices
As part of Scottish Apprenticeship Week 2025, Skills Development Scotland’s Evaluation and Research team will present the latest views and outcomes from thousands of current and former apprentices across Scotland.

Tachartas dreuchdan Gàidhlig ‘Siuthad!’ a’ tilleadh gu Cùirt an Easbaig
Thàinig luchd-labhairt òga na Gàidhlig bho àrd-sgoiltean air feadh sgìre Chomhairle na Gàidhealtachd còmhla aig Cùirt an Easbaig ann an Inbhir Nis air Diciadain 30 Dàmhair airson tachartas dreuchdan Gàidhlig.

‘Girls Do Science!’ events return to Inverness
Girls do Science! free event series returns on Friday 15 and Saturday 16 March 2024 to Skills Development Scotland’s Inverness Digital Studios, 1-5 Church Street, IV1 1DY.

Future Proof Your Skills With Free Event
Join us on the 20th February for a free webinar about upskilling and reskilling for a digital future.