FIPS Video Guides: Modern Apprenticeships
Video guides
In this section you'll find a series of FIPS how-to guides for Modern Apprenticeships.
Session 1 - How to access FIPS and enter a new start
Introduction to FIPS & sign on - An introduction to the Funding Information and Processing System (FIPS) the benefits of the new system and how to log on.
MA Contract - How to view your Modern Apprenticeship contract on FIPS reflected in the detail shown on the hardcopy contract. This includes value and volume limits split by SDS area, occupational group, age and level. Shows that all approved starts are deducted from the contract volumes on the contract and total spend against value is captured.
Individual Search and Create Application - Explains the three stages to entering a start on FIPS. And covers the key documents required before you can begin the process. The first stage is to search for the individual and if found selecting them to create the application or add the new individual details and create the application. Explains how you can create a draft and once completed save, validate and confirm.
Assignment - The third stage of registering an MA on FIPS once the training provider declaration is accepted is submitting the assignment for approval. Covers key areas to review before submitting and how to view the payment plan details.
Session 2 - How to make claims and process leavers
Bulk expense authorisation - A review of the bulk expense authorisation process for travel or lodgings and pre-requisites to submitting a request for authorisation.
Bulk Expenses Claims – Covers checks before a bulk expense claim can be submitted. All MAs included in the claim have expenses selected on their assignment, that expenses are approved in your contract and sufficient funds remain and that a bulk expenses authorisation has been approved.
Payment Claims – Covers start payments and milestone and outcome claims. Outlines the documents you will require to hold before you make a claim and confirmation that the MA is registered with the Sector Skills Organisation and Qualification Awarding Body. Shows where you can process claims, explains the claim declaration and mandatory information linked to payment claims.
View Claims Processed – How to view the claims process via the payment entity. Covers the options to view payments for example payments sent to finance or ready to send to finance. Shows how each view can be filtered including using the provider reference fields to sort the claims information processed and viewing the pre-posting run report.
Hold, Unhold and Undo Claims – How to hold a transaction, unhold or undo a transaction which has a status of ready to send to finance.
Leavers – How to add MA leaving details for completers and early leavers explains the redundancy process and covers the importance of these details being updated promptly.
Session 3 - How to update assignment changes
Changes to Participant Details – Covers changes to all participant details with the exception of changes to NI number, date of birth, start date or qualification which is updated using the Change of Circumstances area of FIPS as these changes may impact on funding.
Update Equalities Information – Explains how sensitive equalities information is and how to update this information via the update equalities information area of the assignment.
Change of Circumstances 1 Introduction & NI – How to update a National Insurance number where a temporary number has been used or an error has been made.
Change of Circumstances 2 DOB - How to update a MAs date of birth to correct information held on FIPS after the assignment has been approved.
Change of Circumstances 3 Start Date - How to change a participant’s start date after the assignment has been approved.
Change of Circumstances 4 Qualification – How to make a change to a MAs qualification after the assignment has been approved.
Update Employer Details – How to update employer details and the importance of this information being accurate and up to date at all times.
Updates to Expected End Dates Milestones & Outcomes – How to make changes to expected end dates and expected achievement dates of milestones and outcomes from the MA assignment.
Session 4 - Adopt an Apprentice and Electris
Adopt an Apprentice - How to submit an online application for Adopt an Apprentice by creating a new assignment first.
Electris – Automated process to confirm registration of the group award and achievement with SQA and covers how to correct validation errors and resubmit via Electris.
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