Work Based Learning Quality Assurance & Improvement Hub
Information and resources to enhance quality in the delivery of Apprenticeships and Employability programmes.
We are responsible for making sure all SDS funded learning is of high quality and benefits the learner.
Below are links to resources to support your continuous professional development, including e-learning, effective practice examples and case studies. You will also find key information, documentation and resources relating to SDS quality arrangements.
Utilising the resources on our website pages will help you improve the quality of your delivery and meet key SDS quality requirements.
Quality Assurance Arrangements
Detailed information for providers on the SDS Quality Assurance process and key documentation.
Useful reports
This section includes analysis of provider reports from Quality Assurance reviews, National Thematic review reports and reports based on provider surveys through Qualtrics.
- Apprentice Progress Reviews – National Report 21/22
- Initial Assessment – National Report 22/23
- Employer Engagement – National Report 23/24
- Quality Assurance Review Analysis 19/20
- Quality Assurance Review Analysis 21/22
- Quality Assurance Review Analysis 22/23
- Quality Assurance Review Analysis 23/24
- Modern Apprenticeship Sustainability Review
Quality Assurance team
If you require further support relating to completion of your self-assessment or the Quality Assurance process, please email the Quality Assurance team through the Quality Assurance mailbox below.
Email the Quality Assurance teamProgramme Enhancement team
If you have any feedback on the content on this website or recommendations for future CPD resources, please email the Programme Enhancement team through the Programme Enhancement mailbox below.
Email the Programme Enhancement team