Achievement and Analysis of Results
Reviewing results to identify strengths and areas for improvement using analysis, comparison of previous results and measuring against targets set, is a crucial element of continuous improvement.
One example of a training provider who is proactive in analysing their results and considering changes to their delivery is The Academy of Hairdressing Excellence (AHE), who deliver hairdressing training in a live salon environment. AHE noticed a number of early leavers in their Modern Apprentices at the final assignment on Hairdressing Level 3. Through monitoring progress reports, an employee of AHE, Lynne, spotted this trend and brought it to the attention of the director. Lynne also suggested a solution might be to change the programme so that the apprentices knew in advance about this assignment, and it did not come as a shock at the end of their Level 3 assessment.
Here is AHE’s journey to recognising where they could make improvements within their Modern Apprenticeship programme. Thomas (Director) and Claire (Academy Manager) outline their experiences of adopting innovative approaches to delivery within AHE.
Thomas explains that the final assignment for Hairdressing Level 3 consists of the Modern Apprentice creating three models based on a theme for a photo shoot for which they must provide the hair, clothes, and makeup.

It is important to AHE to make sure their apprentices are both committed and enjoying their apprenticeship and because of the high drop off rate during this stage of the training, they needed to rethink how to present this assignment. They recognised that the assignment was quite a challenge for apprentices, and they decided to have apprentices present their concepts for this piece of work as part of their initial assessment so that they knew, in advance what was going to be asked of them. The aim was to reverse the trend in drop offs at this stage, by giving the apprentices more time to prepare for the assignment, while also ensuring they are committed to their education and completing the full course.
As a result of this change, AHE has seen increased enthusiasm from their apprentices; as explained by Claire: “It has created excitement at the beginning of the level 3 with the Modern Apprentices unleashing their creative side.” There has also been an increase in retention rates, which is fantastic news for AHE.
Since implementing this approach, they have noticed a higher level of commitment at the start of the programme from their apprentices and their employers, which was something they originally hoped to achieve. Claire explains; “The employers now understand the importance of having the commitment from the Modern Apprentice and it does not suit the employers to have apprentices starting their level 3 and not completing”.
One apprentice, Firass Kassm (pictured), has just completed level 2 hairdressing and is currently working on his level 3 entry project. He has benefitted from this change in programme because he can show his creative side without having to deal with added pressure at the end of the programme.
Thomas explains that this approach should lead to apprentices, who are committed enough to train with AHE, being more motivated, resulting in higher achievement rates which, in turn, improves AHE’s retention rate.
As a result of analysing their data and making changes to delivery AHE have enhanced the experience of apprentices and have improved retention rates and their own performance and results.