Where you will find us in Highland
Key data from Highland
From 1 April to 31 December 2024 we supported 12 employers and 246 individuals dealing with redundancy.
As of 27 September 2024 there were 2,388 Modern Apprentices in training.
From 1 April to 27 September 2024 we supported 780 Modern Apprenticeship starts. 60.4% of the starts in the local area were aged 16-24.
The Modern Apprenticeship achievement rate in Highland is 77.6%.
From 1 June to 31 December 2024 we delivered 12,228 Career Information, Advice and Guidance engagements for 8,701 school pupils through a mix of group and one-to-one sessions.
As of 31 December 2024, 69% of the 13,696 maintained school pupils in the local authority were registered on myworldofwork.co.uk.
From 1 April to 31 December 2024 we delivered 1,952 Career Information, Advice and Guidance engagements for 1,036 post-school customers through a mix of group and one-to-one sessions.
The December 2024 Interim Participation Snapshot showed that of the 10,310 16-19 year olds in Highland 94.8% were in education, employment or training and personal development.
We work with local partners to support Foundation Apprenticeships.
Local information
Key resources and services
Equality Summary
A summary of National Training Programme (NTP) Equality data for the Highlands.
Participation Measure
Please see the Annual Participation Measure interactive report for local authority information.
Partnership Action for Continuing Employment
Caithness and Sutherland area: Gillian Unger is your PACE local chair and can be contacted on 07770 867441 or 01349 627031. Inner Moray Firth area: Aimee Campbell is your PACE local chair and can be contacted on 07733 014718 or 01463 382960. Skye and Wester Ross, and Lochaber area: Nicola Madej is your PACE local chair and can be contacted on 07920 213422 and 01463 382971.
Regional Skills Assessments
Latest regional labour market data
Regional Skills Assessments (RSAs)
The purpose of the RSAs is to provide a robust evidence base to support partners in strategic skills investment planning.
City Region Summary Infographic
To complement our national insights, the RSAs provide evidence at a City Region level.