Exploring future careers with Minecraft
SDS plans to introduce an exciting new way for young people to explore future careers within the popular game, Minecraft.
The new offer will launch in January 2024 and will also include a My World of Work Live offer which teachers can book for classroom delivery by the expert SDS team.
The game will be offered as a career education resource primarily for school students from P5 to S3 and seeks to address findings of the recent review of Scotland’s career services, that enhanced digital services and online tools be developed that present information about the world of work innovatively, cost-effectively and in ways that truly engage young people.
Minecraft is a known, creative and fun platform for young people and SDS has already successfully used this platform to engage this audience through My World of Work Live, as have career organisations in many other countries.
Gamified learning is a recognised and valued part of many curricula and this game will be a purposeful classroom activity which meets CfE experiences and outcomes in Health and Wellbeing; Planning for Choices and Changes, and builds important meta-skills.
The game will allow students to explore three Scottish landmarks and play mini games in a series of lessons before moving into an area where they can build their own world. The landmarks and activities will contain information about emerging areas of the Scottish economy including space tech, renewable energy and sustainable construction, and will enhance the participants’ career skills and knowledge about the world of work.
Lesson plans and teacher resources will be provided offering guidance on how to build the game into the curriculum, and access and use it in the classroom.