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05 February 2025

Apprentice Insights webinar to shine a light on Scotland's apprentices

As part of Scottish Apprenticeship Week 2025, Skills Development Scotland’s Evaluation and Research team will present the latest views and outcomes from thousands of current and former apprentices across Scotland.

Apprenticeships CIAG

As part of Scottish Apprenticeship Week 2025, Skills Development Scotland’s Evaluation and Research team will present the latest views and outcomes from thousands of current and former apprentices across Scotland. They will be joined by a former apprentice, their apprentice employer and their learning provider.

This free one-hour webinar on Wednesday 5 March, 4 to 5pm, will inform all those who work to support, guide, and advise young people with career decisions. 

Hosted by Michael McHugh, Work-based Learning Quality and Delivery Manager at SDS, the webinar detail will be delivered by Denis Donoghue, Evaluation and Research Executive at SDS.

A former apprentice, their employer and their learning provider will also be there to give their views on how apprenticeships work for them.

The aim of the session is to better equip everyone who has a role in supporting young people with the insight and information they need to continue to strengthen their offer. 

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The webinar will draw on a range of research that highlights the value of apprenticeships, present the views of young people undertaking Modern Apprenticeships, as well as views of those who have already completed their apprenticeship. This ongoing work ensures that the apprentice voice remains at the heart of the system.