News & events
Read the latest updates from Skills Development Scotland. Explore stories by selecting the categories to filter.

New agreement to help young people in greatest need
Helping Scotland’s most disadvantaged young people achieve a positive future is the aim of a new partnership.

Every high school in North Lanarkshire lands drones careers sessions
Wide range of potential future construction careers showcased as part of Future Fridays partnership

Parents Doubt Power To Persuade Children About Careers
New research shows that parents are way more influential than they think they are when it comes to education, jobs and training.

Survey to seek insight on skills for Hospitality apprenticeships
A nationwide consultation has been launched to give those working in the Hospitality industry the chance to have a say on the skills needed for apprenticeships in the sector.

Call for sector to shape future skills of Service apprenticeships
Those working across Scotland’s Service industry are being called to share their views on the skills needed for apprenticeships.

What influences young people’s future plans?
Good pay is the most important factor for young people in their future job or career, according to new research.

More than 144,000 Scottish pupils offered help with their 2023 results
Scottish pupils are set to receive their full Higher, National and Advanced results on the 8th August 2023, and SDS' expert careers advisers will be on hand to help.

Scottish Government post-school education and skills reform
The actions are part of the initial priorities set out in the publication of Purpose and Principles for Post-School Education and Skills.

Highest ever number of Modern Apprentices in Scotland
More than 25,000 new Modern Apprenticeships were created by Scotland’s employers in the past year, surpassing the Scottish Government ambition and helping apprenticeship job creation move closer to pre-pandemic levels.

Taic ga tabhann do chòrr is 140,000 Sgoilearan albannach le toraidhean nan deuchainnean aca
Taic ga tabhann do chòrr is 140,000 Sgoilearan albannach le toraidhean nan deuchainnean aca