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Calum  Macdonald

Ex-fisherman Calum nets new career thanks to local advice

After years of catching fish, 64 year old Calum Macdonald is now helping Stornoway locals who’ve caught nasty bugs, thanks to the help he got to change career.

Charly Simpson SSE Renewables

Career advice gave Charly a renewed energy for her future

Teen Charly Simpson thought her future was floundering until help from her school careers adviser led to a dream career in engineering.

Ayrshire College D800 16.9.2024 5405

Support to career change made dream job a reality for Angela

Contacting a careers adviser after moving to a new area was life-changing for Angela Innes and her family.

IMG 3404

Coding careers are full STEAM ahead at Trinity Primary School

Using free My World of Work Live teaching materials, STEAM teacher Karen Walsh has learned new skills as well as inspiring the next generation of coders.

Robert Dunbar 26723 2

Robert challenges stereotypes in childcare

Robert’s experience highlights that career support starts in school - but it doesn’t end there.

Tanya Howden At Hearts Fc 9322 2394

Thriving in a new career thanks to bursary support

Tanya embraces her new job as a Computing Science teacher thanks to the support from the Teaching Bursary scheme

Dafni Nianiaka 2

Career changer Dafni says Fit Like? to forestry

Dafni Nianiaka worked in education and health and social care before making the move to forestry. Now a Tree Health Officer for Scottish Forestry, she said: “I started out my career in forestry but had moved into teaching then working as a care assistant. I was thirty when I moved to Aberdeen from Greece to complete my masters.