News & events
Read the latest updates from Skills Development Scotland. Explore stories by selecting the categories to filter.

Search is on to find Scotland’s top apprentices
Nominations are open for the Scottish Apprenticeship Awards in a nationwide search to find Scotland’s Apprentice of the Year.

New chapter for career service in Glenrothes and Levenmouth
New chapter for career service in Glenrothes and Levenmouth

Call for sector to have a say on haulage apprenticeships
Call for sector to have a say on haulage apprenticeships

Nominations open for the Scottish Apprenticeship Awards
Nominations open for the Scottish Apprenticeship Awards

Taic ga thabhach do chòrr air 144,000 sgoilear ann an Alba le an toraidhean, ann an 2023
Tha sgoilearan na h-Alba gu bhith a’ faotainn toraidhean nan deuchainnean Àrd-Ìre, Nàiseanta agus Sàr Àrd-Ìre air 8mh Lùnastal 2023.

More than 144,000 Scottish pupils offered help with their 2023 results
Scottish pupils are set to receive their full Higher, National and Advanced results on the 8th August 2023, and SDS' expert careers advisers will be on hand to help.

Survey seeks sector feedback to develop apprenticeships
Survey seeks sector feedback to develop apprenticeships

Teaching Bursary now includes Gaelic subjects
Teaching Bursary now includes Gaelic subjects

Bursaraidh Teagaisg a-nis a’ gabhail a-steach cuspairean
Bursaraidh Teagaisg a-nis a’ gabhail a-steach cuspairean

Results Helpline 2023 - help us spread the word!
Almost 145,000 school pupils and students across Scotland will receive their SQA results on Tuesday 8 August 2023