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Read the latest updates from Skills Development Scotland. Explore stories by selecting the categories to filter.

Skills for Growth helps Lovat’s Group cater to their business goals
A newly acquired Kirkcaldy based company was able to pursue their business ambitions thanks to the help of Skills for Growth.

Picturing the future with the SDS Results Helpline
Louise Davidson-Clyne is now on the path to her dream career after a call to the Results Helpline last year.

A Kraken new way of training thanks to Inward Investment Skills Fund
An Aberdeen based company have developed a new online training academy for staff thanks to funding from the Inward Investment Skills Fund (IISF).

Skills for Growth helps company drive towards success
A Dunfermline based company has seen big benefits to their businesses after getting support through Skills for Growth.

Bursaraidh Teagaisg a’ cuideachadh Chaitrìona gu atharrachadh dreuchd
Tha neach aig an robh dreuchd mar ailtire air mìneachadh mar a tha cothrom air bursaraidh teagaisg a’ ceadachadh dhi a h-àrd-mhiann air a bhith na tidsear, a choileanadh.

Teaching Bursary helps Catriona pursue career change
A former architect has explained how access to a teaching bursary has allowed her to pursue her dream of becoming a teacher.

Skills for Growth helps company renew focus on talent
Skills for Growth helps company renew focus on talent

Blog: Construction’s new generation of talent
Two young Scots, Kirsten and Roddy share their experience of taking an apprenticeship in the Construction sector.

Former Galashiels Academy pupil takes her first careers steps thanks to tailored careers advice
Young Borders woman finds employment thanks to tailored support.

Becoming the boss of my dreams!
Natalia gained valuable work experience as a Foundation Apprentice in the Skills Development Scotland Communications and Marketing team last year and has now moved on to study Marketing at Glasgow Caledonian University.