News & events
Read the latest updates from Skills Development Scotland. Explore stories by selecting the categories to filter.

Listening to the Pupil Voice
New research highlights that SDS career services, especially one-to-one sessions with Careers Advisers, are highly valued and beneficial to young people.

Systemic change needed to stop care experienced young people missing out on apprenticeships
Employer-led report calls for change to spending on benefits, housing and wages

Every high school in North Lanarkshire lands drones careers sessions
Wide range of potential future construction careers showcased as part of Future Fridays partnership

New Guide To The Digital Economy
Better understand the term "digital economy" and get practical support to enhance your digital skills.

Skills Generation celebrated for Scottish Apprenticeship Week
The value of apprenticeship skills will be demonstrated during Scottish Apprenticeship Week from 4 to 8 March.

Interim Participation Snapshot for 16–19-year olds
SDS has today published the Interim Participation Snapshot for 16–19-year olds, providing an overview of the learning, training or work status of Scotland’s young people.

Fife and East Dunbarton pupils excel in finance challenge
Madras College & Bearsden Academy crowned winners thanks to investment know-how

Thousands of Scots pupils take part in drones careers sessions
SDS and Balfour Beatty partnership showcases a wide range of potential future careers

Scottish Apprenticeship Awards finalists revealed
Amazing apprentices and employers from across the length and breadth of the country are in the running for the Scottish Apprenticeship Awards.

Relive the highlights of Scottish Careers Week 2023
In its third year, Scottish Careers Week returned with exciting events, new partnerships, and a fantastic programme of activity.