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Image in graphic style showing a variety of green industries in green and white outline.
30 November 2023

£90 billion of investment in green industries signals need for net zero skills

A new report has assessed the known investment, the skills demand now and in the future, and current training and learning support for green skills in Scotland.

MA For The Day Females In Male Dominated Industry
24 November 2023

Shetland pupils become apprentices for the day

Young Shetlanders experienced the benefits of Modern Apprenticeships in a project aimed at tackling gender stereotypes in work.

Parent's Survey 260X260 Newsletter
22 November 2023

Parent and carer research – Parents’ Voice Survey 2023/24

Our research shows that parents and carers are the main influencers over the choices young people make about subjects and careers.

Skills Development Scotland Ruben Komolafe Diane Brooks SDS Park Circus013
13 November 2023

Parents Doubt Power To Persuade Children About Careers

New research shows that parents are way more influential than they think they are when it comes to education, jobs and training.

91123 Siuthad 003
10 November 2023

‘Siuthad!’ (Go On!) Gaelic careers event returns to Eden Court

Young Gaelic speakers from secondary schools across the Highland Council area joined Skills Development Scotland (SDS) and Highland Council on Thursday 9 November at Eden Court in Inverness for the first face-to-face Siuthad! Gaelic careers event since 2019.

Stirling Mhairi Teasdale Chrystal Dube Coatbridge Campus031
10 November 2023

New chapter for careers service in Shetland

Residents in Lerwick will soon benefit from changes to the careers service.

91123 Siuthad 003
10 November 2023

‘Siuthad!’ Tachartas dhreuchdan Gàidhlig a’ tilleadh gu Eden Court

Thàinig luchd-labhairt òg na Gàidhlig bho àrd-sgoiltean air feadh sgìre Chomhairle na Gàidhealtachd còmhla ri Leasachadh Sgilean na h-Alba (SDS) agus Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd air Diardaoin 9 Samhain san Eden Court ann an Inbhir Nis, airson a’ chiad Siuthad! aghaidh ri aghaidh bho 2019.

IMG 4395
06 November 2023

Scottish Careers Week Launches For Third Year

The third annual Scottish Careers Week takes place from the 13th to the 17th of November 2023.

Plumbing Social Red
01 November 2023

Insight from Scotland’s plumbing workforce needed in apprenticeship skills consultation

Plumbing trade association SNIPEF and SDS need the sector's workforce to get involved in the redevelopment of the industry's apprenticeship.

Fife Navid Siddique Paul Darroch Coatbridge Campus009
26 October 2023

New chapter for careers service in Kilmarnock

Residents in Kilmarnock will soon benefit from changes to the careers service.