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Updated Monthly Participation Snapshot published
SDS has today published an update to the Monthly Participation Snapshot
New, employer-developed apprenticeship in financial services now available
The financial services sector is set to benefit from its first new apprenticeship to be directly shaped by employers. A new, Modern Apprenticeship in Providing Financial Services has been created – the first in the sector to go through the new system for apprenticeship development, which puts employers at the heart of the process.
SDS Corporate Parenting Plan sets out support for care experienced young people
In support of #CareDay22, the world’s largest celebration of the rights of children and young people with care experience, SDS hopes for a world where children and young people who have overcome adversities are proud of themselves, their achievements and look forward to a future of opportunity, equality and equity.
Young people design the future of career services
Young people across Scotland have had their say on how to improve career services in Scotland.
Employers call for more Graduate Apprenticeships
Employers are demanding an increase in Graduate Apprenticeship places, across a wider range of subjects
Updated Monthly Participation Snapshot published
SDS has today published an update to the Monthly Participation Snapshot
Innovative New Programme Takes Off in Aberdeen
Funded training in a ground-breaking new digital qualification is being offered to people across the North East. The Digital Pilot’s Licence is an online training programme designed to upskill workers across the region and provide a trained digital workforce to meet the demands of a shifting job market.
Celebrating 20 years of the Scottish Apprenticeship Awards
Finalists for the Scottish Apprenticeship Awards – co-ordinated by Skills Development Scotland – have been revealed, with one worthy winner set to be crowned the country’s apprentice of the year.
Employer event - Graduate Apprenticeships: Developing Scotland’s Future Workforce
A free webinar takes place on 27 January to discuss Scottish Graduate Apprenticeships, the benefits they can bring to any organisation and results from recent research by the Edge Foundation