Skills Development Scotland is the national skills body supporting the people and businesses of Scotland to develop and apply their skills.
Find out about the SDS Board and our Senior Leadership team.
A diverse and inclusive Scottish workforce lie at the heart of our goals.
Details of our policies, including equality and diversity and procurement.
We aim to be an employer of choice with dynamic roles and plenty of ways to maintain a healthy work-life balance.
We are committed to delivering our services as innovatively, effectively and efficiently as possible.
Skills Development Scotland (SDS) is Scotland’s national skills body. We contribute to Scotland’s sustainable economic growth by supporting people and businesses to develop and apply their skills. We work with our partners to provide services that deliver the very best outcomes for Scotland’s people, businesses and the economy.
Delivering a world class careers service together, as part of the Young Person's Guarantee.
Explore the extensive evidence base gathered on the Scottish Career System through commissioned reports and additional whitepaper
View the 'Careers by Design' report and accompanying resources from the Career Review Programme Board
A series of short films showcase the principles of the career review in action and highlight the approach to co-design.
Find out how the Career Review recommendations are being implemented
The Programme Board will work with practitioners, stakeholders, career influencers and those with lived experience on the next stage of the Career Review.
The Career Services Collaborative is the mechanism to lead the change, innovation and improvement required to deliver the operating model now and in the future.
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