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Interim Participation Snapshot for 16 – 19 year olds

Since November 2020, Skills Development Scotland published monthly management information related to the learning, training and work of 16 and 17 year olds in Scotland.  From November 2021, this was extended to include 18 and 19 year olds.

This management information was published due to concerns about how the pandemic would impact the education and employment prospects of young adults. The intention was to enable partners to monitor any changes and provide appropriate support to their customers.

Following a review by SDS and Scottish Government analysts, the decision was taken to update the schedule of reporting, from monthly to three times a year.  The new schedule will provide interim participation snapshot reports in December and May, in addition to the Annual Participation Measure report published in August each year.


Latest publication: 28 January 2025


Interim Participation Snapshot for 16–19 year olds.

The updated interactive report below provides an overview of participation at a national and local authority level and is based on data sourced from the SDS Customer Support System (CSS). CSS is directly updated by SDS staff and through data shared by partners (including local authorities/schools, colleges, SAAS, DWP).  This dataset is also used to produce the Annual Participation Measure (APM) and to provide data for the Scottish Government’s School Leaver Destination Statistics

The interim participation snapshot will be updated in December and May, however, data sharing partners in local authorities and colleges can continue to access their own data at any time through the 16+ Data Hub.

Interim Participation interactive report

Looking for more information?

Contact us if you have any queries, comments, wish to provide any feedback or require this report in an alternative format.
