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SDS publishes Annual Report 2023-24
Another year of exceptional operational performance, maintaining strong delivery against core service targets.
Setting sail for future careers at Royal National Mòd
Skills Development Scotland and Calmac team up to showcase renewables opportunities
New plan sets out support for Care Experienced young people
The ways in which the national skills agency will support young people who are Care Experienced is the focus of a new plan from Skills Development Scotland (SDS).
Seòladh a dh’ionnsaigh dhreuchdan beatha aig a’ Mhòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail
Tha Leasachadh Sgilean na h- Alba agus Calmac a’ tighinn còmhla gus cothroman a thaobh stuthan ath-nuadhachail a thaisbeanadh.
New Guide To The Digital Economy
Better understand the term "digital economy" and get practical support to enhance your digital skills.
Future Proof Your Skills With Free Event
Join us on the 20th February for a free webinar about upskilling and reskilling for a digital future.
Systemic change needed to stop care experienced young people missing out on apprenticeships
Employer-led report calls for change to spending on benefits, housing and wages
Every high school in North Lanarkshire lands drones careers sessions
Wide range of potential future construction careers showcased as part of Future Fridays partnership
How do young people view the careers services they received in school?
New research highlights that SDS career services, especially one-to-one sessions with Careers Advisers, are highly valued and beneficial to young people.
Coding careers are full STEAM ahead at Trinity Primary School
Using free My World of Work Live teaching materials, STEAM teacher Karen Walsh has learned new skills as well as inspiring the next generation of coders.