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Transition support from primary to secondary school
We provide young people with support as they move from Primary 7 to S1
Career Management Skills explained
Career Management Skills empower individuals to identify the skills they have and the ones they need to develop to help them realise their potential at any stage in their life.
My World of Work
My World of Work is Scotland’s award-winning online career information and advice service.
16+ Data Hub
The 16+ Data Hub links up the work going on across Scotland to help our young people find positive, sustained destinations after their secondary school education.
Case studies
Read about the experiences of some of our partners and how post 16 information sharing works in practice.
Information sharing
Information sharing
Borders Council
Catherine is driving forward initiatives designed to encourage all nine secondary schools in the area to embrace information sharing.
Castle Douglas High
Partnership working between teachers, support teams and pupils is at the heart of a Scottish secondary school's successful approach to information sharing.
Edinburgh College
The right information at the right time