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Modern Apprenticeships

Modern Apprenticeships help employers to develop their workforce by training new staff, and upskilling existing employees.

Modern Apprenticeship Frameworks

Modern Apprenticeships are available across a wide range of sectors and the format of training is decided by the appropriate Sector Skills Council. Find a Modern Apprenticeship Framework that would work for your business.

Employer Equalities Group

Find out more about the EEQ group's responsibilities, membership and their Terms of Reference.

Employer Engagement Group

Find out more about the EEG group's responsibilities, membership and their Terms of Reference.

Apprentice Engagement Group

Find out more about the AEG’s responsibilities, membership and their Terms of Reference.

Gender Commission

The Gender Commission was set up in response to findings by SAAB Group Board to look at current trends within apprenticeships and identified a need to provide visible, industry leadership by setting up a commission to address gender imbalance.


The report makes 11 key recommendations. In addition, the Commission makes a recommendation back to the SAAB Group Board and Employers’ Equality Group to monitor the implementation and impact of these recommendations

Gender Commission Report: Recommendation 1

Recommendation one from the Career Review Gender Commission Report: Apprenticeship employers should work proactively to ensure they have the right culture and conditions in place to create opportunities and give confidence to employees of all genders and backgrounds. Only then will apprentices, and all employees, view them as places where they want to work.