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Career Review: What it means for Scotland's colleges
The recommendations presented in the Career Review build on the success of existing services and present an ambitious redesign of the career system. However, to be successfully implemented, it's important that the sectors which play an important role in the delivery of career services fully understand what the recommendations mean for them.
Career Review: What it means for employers and Developing the Young Workforce
The recommendations presented in the Career Review build on the success of existing services and present an ambitious redesign of the career system. However, to be successfully implemented, it's important that the sectors which play an important role in the delivery of career services fully understand what the recommendations mean for them.
Career Review: What it means for schools and education
The recommendations presented in the Career Review build on the success of existing services and present an ambitious redesign of the career system. However, to be successfully implemented, it's important that the sectors which play an important role in the delivery of career services fully understand what the recommendations mean for them.
Career Review: What it means for Skills Development Scotland
The recommendations presented in the Career Review build on the success of existing services and present an ambitious redesign of the career system. However, to be successfully implemented, it's important that the sectors which play an important role in the delivery of career services fully understand what the recommendations mean for them.
Career Review: What it means for local services and communities
The recommendations presented in the Career Review build on the success of existing services and present an ambitious redesign of the career system. However, to be successfully implemented, it's important that the sectors which play an important role in the delivery of career services fully understand what the recommendations mean for them.
Career Review: What it means for Scotland's universities
The recommendations presented in the Career Review build on the success of existing services and present an ambitious redesign of the career system. However, to be successfully implemented, it's important that the sectors which play an important role in the delivery of career services fully understand what the recommendations mean for them.
Career Review background and timeline
Consultation on the Career Review is currently underway and its recommendations will help shape our Strategic Plan.
Who are careers services for?
Young people, their parents and carers, employers and the career system will all benefit from the Career Review.
Boosting student and graduate employability through technology
In a challenging labour market, the Careers and Employability Team at the University of Aberdeen harnessed existing technology to quickly design and deliver a new programme of support to meet the needs of students and new graduates in a time of unprecedented change.
Career Review Programme Board
We're working with the Programme Board members to achieve the key objectives of the Career Review.