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A Universal Careers Offer: From 3 -18

In the latest in a series of blogs in support of the Career Review, Gerry Lyons Head of Education Services at Glasgow City Council and Career Review Programme Board member, shares his thoughts on how career services become more integrated into the education system.

Expert Opinion

Experts from across Scotland's careers system and beyond share their thoughts on the Career Review and how we can work together to build a better system for the benefit of all young people in Scotland.


Working with young people and stakeholders, the Career Review has co-designed ten evidence-based recommendations.

Recommendation 1: A new career development model

Recommendation one from the Career Review Programme Board: A simple model should be established that defines career services, bringing definition to the variety of career services across Scotland.

Recommendation 2: Developing skills and habits essential for the future world of work

Career education and services should be designed to develop, recognise and accredit the skills and habits essential for the future world of work.

Recommendation 3: Creating person centred career services

Individuals should be involved in identifying what they need from career services based on their own circumstances and context, which leads to a flexible and personalised service offer.

Recommendation 4: Experiential career education

There should be dedicated curriculum time for experiential work-related learning in all settings.

Recommendation 5: Community-based services

Career services should be delivered within communities in a way that is aligned to social justice values and provides access to consistent national services.

Recommendation 6: Exposure to fair work

People should have a right to have a wide range of meaningful opportunities to experience work and understand what fair work is

Recommendation 7: Digital enablement, empowerment and engagement

Enhanced digital services and online tools should be developed that present information about the world of work in an inspiring and accurate way.