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Ex-fisherman Calum nets new career thanks to local advice

After years of catching fish, 64 year old Calum Macdonald is now helping Stornoway locals who’ve caught nasty bugs, thanks to the help he got to change career.

Delivering Scotland’s Career Service 2023/24 published today

SDS has now published its annual report on its 2023/24 delivery of its Career Information, Advice and Guidance services

New Scottish apprenticeship to widen access to careers in Social Work

A new degree level apprenticeship is to be launched in Scotland in a national drive to improve access into Social Work careers and support the sector’s skills demand.

New initiative aims to boost Tayside's science workforce

A pioneering £1.9 million initiative is aiming to boost growth and creating career pathways for Tayside's science sector.

New locations for the career service in Edinburgh

Residents in Edinburgh will soon benefit from changes to the career service in the city

National campaign to show apprenticeships are Made for Business  

People and employers across Scotland are supporting a national campaign to show the benefits apprenticeships bring to business.

Career that changed thousands of lives

Stornoway man, Willie Macleod, who helped thousands of people shape their future has retired after 43 years in the careers service.