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Exploring future careers with Minecraft
Explore future careers within the popular game, Minecraft
Review of skills landscape published
Scottish Government has published the report and recommendations from the Independent Review of the Skills Delivery Landscape.
SDS Helps Ukranian Refugee Follow In His Family's Footsteps
A case study highlighting the great work the SDS careers service does to help young people
New Chair Appointed To National Digital Skills Group
Skills Development Scotland has appointed Cameron Lepper as the new Chair of its Digital Economy Skills Group (DESG)
Survey seeks sector feedback to develop Land use apprenticeships
The views of those working in Scotland’s Land use sector are needed to support the development of apprenticeships for the industry.
SDS goes Platinum
Skills Development Scotland (SDS) has achieved Investors in People (IiP) Platinum accreditation which places it in the 6% of organisations who achieve this highest-level status.
SDS publishes Annual Review 2022-23
Strong delivery against core service targets within tight budget constraints and Platinum Investors in People accreditation among highlights of Skills Development Scotland’s (SDS) Annual Review.
PACE support helps Mela get a new job
PACE support helped Mela Lynch get a new job following redundancy
Scottish Government post-school education and skills reform
The actions are part of the initial priorities set out in the publication of Purpose and Principles for Post-School Education and Skills.
What drives young people’s career ambitions?
Almost half of Scotland’s school leavers say a lack of confidence and a lack of work experience are key barriers to their future careers.