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Industry-focused skills

Our Goal 

People develop skills and competencies that drive productive businesses and regions, and help create a fairer, more equal society.

Our customer commitment

We will create learning opportunities that help you get into and progress in rewarding work.

The outcomes we want to achieve

  • People have more skills which are relevant to the Scottish economy
  • Apprentices progress in employment
  • Under-represented groups and people in poverty have improved apprenticeship participation and achievement rates
  • More working-age people access upskilling and retraining opportunities in priority sectors and occupations.
Strategic Plan Quote Graphics

To achieve this goal, by 2027, we will:

Maximise delivery of apprenticeships in priority sectors and occupations, contributing to a skilled and productive Scottish workforce

  • Continue to manage the delivery of high quality Modern Apprenticeships in Scotland, which support the needs of the economy
  • Work with the SFC and other partners to support the delivery of Graduate Apprenticeships
  • Evolve our approach to ensuring dynamic alignment of Modern Apprenticeship contracting with priority sectors and occupations.

Improve access to rewarding work through apprenticeships and other training opportunities for people who often face barriers to employment

  • Work with customers, training providers and equality partners to increase demand for, and equal access to, work-based learning opportunities amongst under-represented groups and those living in poverty
  • Seek to understand and actively reduce the achievement gap for apprentices from under-represented groups.

Help people understand the need to continue developing their skills throughout their careers

  • Develop understanding of the motivations towards, demand for and barriers to lifelong learning
  • Based on strong customer insight, build a marketing programme which positively promotes the benefits of lifelong upskilling and reskilling, and the support available to do this
  • Through adult CIAG services, help people to identify the lifelong training that will support them to further or change their careers.

Develop industry-critical skills among the workforce through upskilling and retraining initiatives

  • Deliver initiatives designed to support the upskilling and reskilling of workers, aligned to the changing needs of Scotland’s employers and the economy, including digital skills
  • Develop approaches to help adults identify and access relevant high quality and flexible upskilling and retraining opportunities, including digital and green skills.

Moses Gonani, a modern apprentice with Nursery Times, says his apprenticeship has helped build his confidence and key life skills.