What we do
Across Scotland, we support individuals to build their career management, work-based and employability skills, throughout their career journey, from school, into further learning opportunities and employment.
We are able to use skills intelligence to help inform the decisions of people across Scotland, at all stages of their careers, so that they are well-placed to take up the opportunities arising within the economy.
We target delivery of this support to those who need it most, ensuring all individuals are enabled to achieve their full potential. We work with employers and employer groups on a national, sectoral, regional, local and individual basis; supporting them to recognise and articulate their current and future skills needs, and to engage with the skills system to help ensure it better meets those needs in the short, medium and longer term.
At the start of each business year Scottish Ministers issue a Letter of guidance to SDS setting out key targets, objectives and priorities for the year ahead.
Supporting Scotland's Employers
We help employers across Scotland to invest in existing skills, develop new talent using equal and inclusive recruitment, and get the right products to grow their business.
Scotland's Careers Services
Our Careers Information Advice and Guidance (CIAG) services focus on equipping Scotland’s current and future workforce with the Career Management Skills (CMS) they require to achieve their potential.
We are committed to developing and growing a worldclass work-based learning system in Scotland.
Skills Planning
The Skills Planning Model shows how we aim to improve the response of education, training and careers services to the needs of industry and ensure that people have the best possible chance of succeeding in the world of work.
Employability Skills
We support individuals from all communities to increase their work-based and employability skills, enabling them to take their first steps into the labour market, or to make successful career change and progression.
Local Employability Partnership
Skills Development Scotland has created this resource to support our Local Employability Partners (LEPs) when designing bespoke local services to help people into learning and employment.
Research and insight
Skills Development Scotland produces and commissions high quality research on a variety of topics relating to skills and employability which informs policy and practice.