Gender Commission Report: Recommendation 10
Recommendations for education and training providers
Recommendation 10: Raise awareness of gender stereotyping through professional learning
Education and training providers of professional learning for all practitioners working with children and young people (teachers, careers advisers, youth workers) should improve professional learning by including a specific focus on the impact of gender stereotypes.

Initial training programmes and ongoing professional learning for all practitioners working with children and young people should include a specific focus on the likely impact that gendered experiences can have, from early childhood experience right through to future life chances and career choices.
The training programmes and courses should include an emphasis on including, involving and engaging children’s parents, carers, and families, so that they too are supported in making more informed choices about the effects of gendered attitudes and behaviour.
Education Scotland and the Care Inspectorate should be supported to enable them to make early years settings and schools responsible for ensuring non-gendered approaches.
Recommendations for government and public bodies