Gender Commission Report: Recommendation 6
Recommendations for government and public bodies
Recommendation 6: Develop a long-term partnership approach
Scottish Government should work with employers, trade unions and professional bodies to develop a long-term partnership approach to address gender stereotypes in the world of work. This approach should focus on key influencers, as well as children and young people themselves, and should include working with early years settings and schools.

To deliver this recommendation:
The approach should be integrated within the curriculum and school performance and business partnership priorities and measures, including through the uptake of Foundation Apprenticeships (FA).
Businesses from sectors with significant gender diversity challenges should ensure their strategy for engagement includes the tackling of gender stereotypes and aims to break down the barriers to gendered subject and job choices. Larger employers have a role in involving SMEs in this type of activity.
Equal focus should be placed on engaging parents and education practitioners, who between them have the greatest impact on a young person’s perceptions of the world of work, as well as directly with children and young people.
Careers events can be immediately impactful but may have limited long-term impact. Such events should be part of a long-term engagement strategy.