Gender Commission Report: Recommendation 7
Recommendations for government and public bodies
Recommendation 7: Develop a localised approach
Scottish Government should engage directly with employers, trade unions and professional bodies to develop an improved localised approach to business and education engagement, with a focus on skills for the future (Industry 4.0) and gender diversity.

The improved approach in this recommendation refers to the need for specific focus on gender diversity within business and education engagement, as a specific outcome in itself, and in the need for a consistent approach. Those were themes that emerged from consultation.
Employers should engage with the regional networks in their area to ensure a coordinated, equitable and sustainable allocation of employer support across the region. Scottish Government has a key role in creating the conditions for this to happen effectively and consistently
Such networks might include schools, regional improvement collaboratives, local authorities, parent teacher councils and community learning and development organisations, as well as SDS, DYW groups, Chambers of Commerce and Education Scotland.
These networks must ensure they include a gendered approach to their work while focusing on the future skills needs of the region’s businesses.