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Evaluation and Research

At Skills Development Scotland (SDS), we are committed to advancing knowledge to help us shape the future of Scotland’s Careers Information, Advice, and Guidance (CIAG) services and the Apprenticeship Programme.

We deliver high-quality research and insights across a range of customer groups, addressing key topics in relation to skills, employability and equality, diversity and inclusion. 

SDS conducts evaluations and research to support evidence-based decision-making, policy development, and service improvement. By exploring the experiences and aspirations of young people, PACE customers and apprentices we provide actionable insights to drive impact.   

PhD Research Collaboration 

Working in collaboration with the Scottish Graduate School of Social Science, Skills Development Scotland co-funds up to four PhD students each year to examine key questions in skills policy and Careers Information, Advice and Guidance (CIAG).  

These sources of evidence and intelligence provide us with an in-depth understanding of the voice of young people and the skills landscape.  

You can explore our latest research outputs and further detail on our PhD Programme here.     


View all research produced by Skills Development Scotland relating to skills and employability that informs policy and practice.

Research Publications