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Modern Apprenticeship Frameworks

Modern Apprenticeships are available across a wide range of sectors and the format of training is decided by the appropriate Sector Skills Council.

View all Modern Apprenticeship frameworks below, ordered by sector.


Looking for more framework information? 

You can also browse the different types of apprenticeships available in Scotland, along with information on the qualification, how the apprenticeship is funded and how long it will take on - our online service for Scottish apprenticeships. 

Apprenticeship Approvals Group 

The Apprenticeship Approvals Group (AAG) has responsibility for approving all Scottish apprenticeships from 1 April 2020. It is an employer-led group aimed at ensuring Scottish apprenticeships meet the needs of employers.  

Scottish Apprenticeship Advisory Board

The Scottish Apprenticeship Advisory Board (SAAB) is led by employers and representatives from industry bodies across a range of sectors and provides employer leadership and contribution to the development of apprenticeships in Scotland. The SAAB Standards and Frameworks Group oversees the development of apprenticeship standards and frameworks.

Ma Frameworks

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