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Scotland's Careers Services

Skills Development Scotland (SDS) is the national skills body and we deliver Scotland’s careers service in schools, in centres and online.

Career services

Our careers advisers work in partnership with every state secondary school in Scotland, delivering career information, advice and guidance to (CIAG) enable young people from S1-S6 to develop their career management skills.

My World of Work is Scotland's online career information and advice service and is used by pupils throughout their time at school and beyond.

There’s a dedicated area for parents and carers on My World of Work that offers information to help those career conversations with your young person, understand skills in demand from employers, and suggests ways to explore the different routes and pathways that young people can take.

Beyond school, our advisers operate from a network of SDS centres and community locations nationwide, offering expert CIAG services to customers of all ages.

Please read our Statement of Services, which sets out what to expect during your appointment in one of our SDS centres or community locations, including use of SDS computers.

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The careers services we provide are shaped by the Scottish Government’s Career Information, Advice and Guidance Strategy and the recent refresh of the Youth Employment Strategy, which aligns with the recommendations of the Commission on Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce (DSYW). 

Our inclusive careers service empowers people from all communities to make their own learning and career decisions, based on the best available career intelligence, up-to-date knowledge of route and pathways and an understanding of their own strengths and interests.

Learn more about SDS's approach to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.

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Our careers service explained

An introduction to the careers information, advice and guidance available from Skills Development Scotland throughout school and from our network of careers centres on high streets across the country.

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