Aberdeenshire Council
16+ Data Hub Case Study: Aberdeenshire
The Hub has helped us identify appropriate steps we can take to support young people in our local area, ensuring they have access to suitable opportunities available to them.

Pamela Munro
Youth Development Worker - Opportunities for All, Aberdeenshire Council
Pamela was asked...How has the Hub...
Benefitted young people in your area?
The Hub has highlighted local areas where we have high numbers of young people who haven’t secured or sustained a positive destination – so they aren’t in employment, education or training. In turn, this helps us identify appropriate steps we can take to support them so they can access relevant opportunities.
Helped you in your role?
I use the Hub to get up-to-date destination information and identify those young people who may need support – this has reduced the need for me to ask for information from local partners. It saves a lot of time as it gives me quicker access to the information I need. I can also feed back information to the local schools.
Made a difference overall?
The instant accessibility allows us to source destination information at the touch of a button and helps us to have dialogue with schools on those young people who do not seem likely to move into further education, training or employment. This has increased the use of local knowledge which previously may have been overlooked. I look forward to the future development of the Hub.
What's next?
Find out more about the 16+ Data Hub and Opportunities for All.
Case studies
Read about the experiences of some of our partners and how post 16 information sharing works in practice.