Falkirk Council
Creating more opportunities for young people is at the heart of information sharing.
Falkirk Council is working closely with Skills Development Scotland, local schools and other partners to improve the process of identifying those most at risk of leaving secondary education without a positive destination.
Steve Dougan, the Council's Opportunities for All Co-ordinator, in partnership with transition teams from all Falkirk secondary schools, is using information from the Data-Hub to identify gaps in provision and to shape the existing curriculum - for example, by introducing more vocational training.

The work undertaken in Falkirk to create a more user-friendly Data-Hub will enable schools to match the skills young people are being taught with what employers require - giving them a key advantage in today's ever-changing labour market.
Steve Dougan
Falkirk Council
He adds: "Rather than simply 'shoe-horning' young people into positions which already exist, we have to be more creative and forward-thinking in building opportunities for them and the Data-Hub has real potential to help us do that."
Falkirk Council and Skills Development Scotland are looking to ensure they are able to identify young unemployed people under the age of 20 and help them find a job. The achievement of this objective is supported by the data within the Data-Hub which benefits young people in the Falkirk area.
Steve says: "It will also mean we can identify which partner organisation has had contact with them so we can agree an appropriate follow up."
He adds: "Another significant development of the work we are doing here in Falkirk is that partners will be able, potentially, to identify immediate demand for provision and have baseline data which can be used for long term planning at the different stages of the Strategic Skills Pipeline."
Case studies
Read about the experiences of some of our partners and how post 16 information sharing works in practice.