Perth and Kinross Council
Creating more opportunities for young people is at the heart of data sharing.
Perth and Kinross Council is working closely with Skills Development Scotland, local schools and other partners to help those leaving school to achieve a positive destination in work, training or further education.
The Local Authority's Opportunities for All co-ordinator, Rosa Huczynska, explains: "Our aim is to boost prospects for all young people leaving school. The Data-Hub helps us to do that."

Perth and Kinross Council has a robust planning process in place while young people are in education, but often it can be complicated and difficult to track exactly where our school leavers are once they finish their secondary education.

Rosa Huczynska
Perth and Kinross Council
Partnership working between council departments and with external agencies is key to the process, as Rosa explains.
"There is still further work to be undertaken in ensuring that information in the Hub is kept up to date post-school, but the potential is there for the Data-Hub to be extremely useful in helping councils support young people in their area," she adds. "Looking further down the line, there is scope too for feeding the information back to schools, allowing them to enhance their tracking and tailor the curriculum accordingly."
Case studies
Read about the experiences of some of our partners and how post 16 information sharing works in practice.