Joined-up approach will benefit pupils across Scotland
Skills Development Scotland (SDS) and Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) have created an operating model which will ensure joined up services for young people in schools across the country.
The benefits of this partnership approach will include improved working relationships and joint working in schools, understanding and definition of roles and responsibilities and agreed standards across all school with flexibility to shape dependant on young peoples'

"The Target Operating Model (TOM) has been created after discussions with our school careers advisers and DYW school co-ordinators about how they could work together to better align our offers. "
Andrea Hall
Scottish Borders Area Manager, SDS
A TOM is a target operating model that is used to operationalise a strategy and help to visualise this.
Work on the TOM began earlier this year with joint planning meetings which lead to individual TOMs being created for individual schools.
Andrea explained: "The TOM agreements will lead to improved working relationships, including DYW employer input to SDS groupwork sessions. It will also help us to better align our work and make it easier to identify opportunities and areas where support may be required".
Following meetings with the Director of Education, the Chief Officer of Schools and Quality Improvement Officer, it has been agreed that the TOM will be extended to include education/school offers and engagement around DYW and work-based learning.
The TOM includes the 16+ data hub input, a Foundation Apprenticeships operational calendar for 2021/22, CPD activity for teachers, SDS advisers and DYW co-ordinators, 16+ transition meetings and parent and carer engagement
"The Target Operating Model will be pivotal in driving forward the DYW agenda in the Scottish Borders and is truly an example of impactful partnership working. "
Sara Ward
DYW Borders Programme Manager
Questions and answers
Questions and answers on the TOM and the Borders experience so far