Other Resources
To further support practitioners several other resources have developed for use within learning and teaching.
Meta-skills posters
This collection of posters is intended to increase the visibility of meta-skills within the learning environment. Practitioners are encouraged to use the posters as a tool to support discussion and reflection on meta-skills development with their learners.
- Overarching meta-skills poster
- Set of 12 individual meta-skills posters with descriptions
- Set of 12 individual meta-skills posters without descriptions
Flash cards
This collection of flash cards has been developed to further support learners with their understanding of meta-skills. Please choose the most appropriate version for your learners.
Editable templates are also provided should you wish to develop your own descriptions.
- Meta-skills flash cards - standard icons
- Meta-skills flash cards - standard icons - editable template
- Meta-skills flash cards - visual icons
- Meta-skills flash cards - visual icons - editable template
Meta-skills icons
The following PowerPoint slides contain images of all 12 meta-skills icons, one version containing the original icons and another containing the visual icons. Practitioners can choose the icons that are most appropriate for their context and use these to create and develop their own resources that support the embedding of meta-skills across the curriculum.
Adaptable meta-skill posters
These editable posters have been developed to further support practitioners and learners understanding of meta-skills.
Initially practitioners should engage in discussion to develop and agree illustrative examples of how meta-skills are applied or developed in their leaner/curricular area. These examples should then be added to the editable templates and displayed in rooms/corridors so as learners can start to see the connections between application and development of meta-skills across the whole curriculum.
If you would like to share some examples of you have used these resources with learners, please contact the SDS Education Team by clicking ‘Get in touch’ below.
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