Transition support from primary to secondary school
We provide young people with support as they move from Primary 7 to S1
The move from primary to secondary school is one we never forget.
These are the ways we help:
All young people have a group session with their careers adviser on transition days or early in their first year
The session raises awareness of big decisions ahead, highlights the importance of career management skills and how they are developing these, and promotes the benefits of registering on My World of Work
Drop-in sessions in school are open to all young people from first year if they have any questions they would like to ask their careers adviser
My World of Work is our careers website. Registering for a free account and building their profile will bring personalised content to help them along their secondary school journey.
What's next?
Return to our school services table for a comprehensive overview of the help on offer.
Learn more about the career information, advice and guidance (CIAG) services we provide in schools and centres across the country.