Data Matrix
The Data Matrix is an interactive tool, providing more detailed data from a variety of sources in a visually engaging format. It is updated frequently and includes data that is covered by three main themes:
Skills Supply: the supply of people within the labour market. Includes data such as population, participation, employment, unemployment, economic inactivity etc.
Skills Demand: the demand for skills within the labour market. Includes data such as economic output, business base, employment forecasts, total requirement etc.
Skills Mismatches: where there is a gap between the demand for skills and the supply of skills within the labour market. Includes data such as skills gaps, skill shortages and under-utilisation for the regions.
The Data Matrix is available for the following geographies:
32 Local Authorities
Regional Outcome Agreement (ROA) areas
City Deals
Growth Deals
Rural Scotland (available through ‘Rural Local Authorities’ button)
Guidance on how to use the Data Matrix:
We also publish Skills Assessments for regions and sectors that provide a consistent high-level evidence base to inform future investment, built up from existing datasets and forecasts.
The Evidence and Impact Team can be contacted at to support any queries.