Explore a new world of exciting career opportunities with your pupils.
Skillscraft, a new immersive career education game from Skills Development Scotland, is now available to download.
Developed within Minecraft Education, this new resource takes primary and secondary pupils on a journey through famous Scottish landmarks, playing games and exploring careers in exciting industries, that are relevant now, and in the future.
The activities contain information about emerging areas of the Scottish economy including space technology, renewable energy, and sustainable construction, and will enhance the participants’ meta-skills and knowledge about the world of work.
With three specific lessons to work through, Skillscraft aligns to the curriculum, bringing careers into the classroom.

Download Skillscraft World (zip file)
More information
Learn more about Skillscraft and how you can get involved.
Skillscraft was developed as part of the response to the Career Review’s recommendation that enhanced digital services and online tools be developed that present information about the world of work innovatively, cost-effectively and in ways that truly engage young people.
Minecraft is a known, creative and fun platform for young people and SDS has already successfully used this platform to engage this audience through My World of Work Live, as have career organisations in many other countries.
Gamified learning is a recognised and valued part of many curricula and this game will be a purposeful classroom activity which meets CfE experiences and outcomes in Health and Wellbeing; Planning for Choices and Changes, and builds important meta-skills.
Please follow the steps below to access Skillscraft:
1) Check if your school has a licence to use Minecraft Education. If not, you can visit the Microsoft Education Licensing page to learn more about license costs.
2) Check each device which will be using Skillscraft has the Minecraft Education app installed, if not please download the app.
3) You can download the Skillscraft world as a zip file or download using Dropbox from the Minecraft Education website to each device which will be accessing the game. Some schools may assign multiple pupils to a device to play in a team (recommended three pupils max per team)
4) Review the lesson plans and video guides above to help run your session.
Please note: schools that want to use Skillscraft will need a Minecraft Education licence and the Minecraft Education app installed. Check with your school's IT department or the person responsible for IT to see if you have access to a Minecraft Education license or if you have any questions about installing the app on devices.
Some Scottish local authorities have authority wide licences, meaning all schools have the possibility to access.
Visit the Microsoft Education Licensing page to learn more about license costs.
All schools, whether they have a licence or not, can also request a My World of Work Live Skillscraft session to be delivered at their school by their regional My World of Work Live adviser. Please register your interest by emailing
Working with a leading Minecraft education agency and teachers, we’ve created a suite of resources for teachers that will assist the delivery of Skillscraft.
The resources include:
- An Introduction slide pack that can be used to introduce the project to young people.
- Lesson plan for each of the minigames and associated sectors, which covers the Learning Intentions, Curriculum Objectives, meta-skills and useful links.
- Certificate that you can put your signature to and award to pupils that have participated in the project.
These teaching resources are available below.